I have opened up my calendar for anyone to book mentoring hours for career, university applications and other guidance. Mentoring is something, that I was doing informally over accepting requests in meetups and via LinkedIn. I am proud to say that I have uptil now, guided more than 15 people with their dilemmas over SOP, University Selection, Career Progression, Life & Career opportunities in Singapore, and on few other topics. In general, I am open to discuss and learn Data Science, Product Management, Startups. If there’s something I can’t help you with, I will most definitely connect you with someone who can help you and has the required know-how. So, feel free to book an appointment here 
Why: I am doing this?
It’s an inexplicable feeling: someone who can guide you, who has been through the exact same phase as you are going through, someone who has a subject matter expertise, someone who can provide a different perspective, or someone who has connections in the area you are looking to break through.
Believe me when I say that I have had a good fortune of having that ‘someone’ (from here on, the ‘someone’ will be addressed as ‘mentor’) in various phases of my life. Thus, this is my way of giving back to the community which blessed me with wonderful people who mentored me.
Some General Notes
If we have never met or talked before, please send me a brief introductory mail or a note over LinkedIn. My contact details are there in the Contact page.
I live in Singapore and the timings in the booking calendar reflect Singapore Time Zone. So, please take note of that and book meeting hours by adjusting your own timezone accordingly. Having said that, I have absolutely no problem in considering requests seeking change in timings, as per mutual convenience.
Wish to Mentor?
I have recently open sourced the criteria that I use to evaluate the effectiveness of my mentoring abilities. If you feel that you too would like to provide mentorship, please reach out to me. Nothing would be better than diversifying the portfolio of mentors on this portal.
In case you have any feedback for me, please feel free to reach out.